Faith and Imagination: A BYU Humanities Center Podcast

The Faith and Imagination podcast hosts rich ecumenical conversations with scholars, theologians, and artists about our experience at the heart of spiritual, intellectual, and religious life. Sponsored by the BYU Humanities Center.

Latest Episodes


January 09, 2023 00:38:31
Contemplative Realism, or, Spiritual Life in Fiction with guest Joshua Hren, Wiseblood Books and University of St. Thomas, Houston

Contemplative Realism, or, Spiritual Life in Fiction with guest Joshua Hren, Wiseblood Books and University of St. Thomas, Houston

Joshua Hren is founder of Wiseblood Books and co-founder of the Master of Fine Arts program at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. His...



December 26, 2022 00:44:54
Some Favorite Books We Read in 2022, with guest George Handley, Brigham Young University

Some Favorite Books We Read in 2022, with guest George Handley, Brigham Young University

As the door closes on 2022, reflecting upon what we’ve learned, where we’ve been, and what we’ve read proves to be a thoughtful and...



December 12, 2022 00:44:51
Highlighted Episode: Music of Eternity: Meditations for Advent, with Robyn Wrigley-Carr, Alphacrusis College

Highlighted Episode: Music of Eternity: Meditations for Advent, with Robyn Wrigley-Carr, Alphacrusis College

This week we highlight a past episode of our Faith and Imagination Podcast. Robyn Wrigley-Carr is Associate Professor in Theology and Spirituality at Alphacrucis...



November 28, 2022 00:41:49
Christian Poetry in America since 1940, with guests Micah Mattix (Regent University) and Sally Thomas (poetry editor for The New York Sun)

Christian Poetry in America since 1940, with guests Micah Mattix (Regent University) and Sally Thomas (poetry editor for The New York Sun)

Micah Mattix is poetry editor at First Things and professor of English at Regent University in Virginia. He has published a book of essays...


November 21, 2022 00:37:14
Spiritual, Healing Perception in Nature, with guest Douglas Christie, Loyola Marymount University

Spiritual, Healing Perception in Nature, with guest Douglas Christie, Loyola Marymount University

Douglas E. Christie is Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University. His books include The Insurmountable Darkness of Love: Mysticism, Loss, and the...



November 07, 2022 00:47:31
Highlighted Episode: Art as a Window into the Divine, with guest Katie Kresser, Seattle Pacific University

Highlighted Episode: Art as a Window into the Divine, with guest Katie Kresser, Seattle Pacific University

This week we highlight a past episode of our Faith and Imagination Podcast. Katie Kresser is a Professor of Art History at Seattle Pacific...

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