Joshua Hren is founder of Wiseblood Books and co-founder of the Master of Fine Arts program at the University of St. Thomas, Houston. His essays and poems have appeared in such venues as First Things, Catholic World Report, New Oxford Review, and LOGOS. His books include the novel Infinite Regress and a volume of poems titled Last Things, First Things, and Other Lost Causes. We speak in this episode about a short “theological-aesthetical manifesto” he published last year titled Contemplative Realism.
Daniel Train is the associate director of Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts at Duke Divinity School, where he directs the Certificate in...
Jessica Coblentz is an assistant professor of religious studies and theology at St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana. With Daniel Horan, she co-edited...
Kim Langley is president of LifeBalance Enterprises and founder of WordSPA (short for spirituality, poetry, appreciation), an organization that engages poetry as a healing...