Matthew Croasmun is Associate Research Scholar and the Director of the Life Worth Living program at the Yale Center for Faith & Culture and a Lecturer of Divinity and Humanities at Yale University. He’s also a staff pastor at the Elm City Vineyard Church, a dynamic, diverse, urban church he helped found in 2007 and where he served as lead pastor for six years. We talk with him today about two books he’s published with Miroslav Volf: For the Life of the World: Theology That Makes a Difference, published in 2019, and The Hunger for Home: Food and Meals in the Gospel of Luke, published this year by Baylor University Press.
Feelings of self-transcendence, of connectedness to God, others, and the world, are widely seen as a principal feature of spiritual well-being. So when pandemic...
Patrick Saint-Jean is a Jesuit Regent. A native of Haiti, he has degrees from universities in France and Mexico, a postdoc from the University...
Daniel P. Horan is Director of the Center for Spirituality and Professor of Philosophy and Religion at St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana....