Debra Rienstra is Professor of English at Calvin University, where she teaches early modern British Literature and creative writing. She is the author of several books and is a respected voice on various aspects of Christian life. Presently she is developing a project, and hosts a podcast, associated with refugia, which are places of environmental, cultural, and religious refuge amid disturbance. Such places have rarely felt more necessary – or seemed, perhaps, less available. So how do we find or create these refugia? What sacrifices do they require and what risks do they entail?
Interview by Matthew Wickman, Founding Director, BYU Humanities Center.
Produced and Edited by Brooke Browne and Abby Thatcher.
Steven Knepper is Associate Professor of English and Bruce C. Gottwald, Jr. ’81 Chair for Academic Excellence at Virginia Military Institute. A scholar as...
Jill Peláez Baumgaertner is Professor Emerita and former Dean of Humanities and Theological Studies at Wheaton College. The author of several collections of poetry...
Heidi J. Hornik is Professor of Italian Renaissance and Baroque Art and Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at Baylor University....