Recently, I became aware of, and joined, a new network of scholars called the SOLAR Network, S-O-L-A-R, for Scholars of Literature and Religion. And this network got me thinking about a range of networks, or interactions, cutting across the worlds of faith and intellect: literature and religion, universities and their communities, theology and practice, and individuals and their sense of the divine. Today’s guest is the Reverend Dr. David Mahan. He is executive director of the Rivendell Center for Theology and the Arts and a campus minister at Yale University. One of the creators of the SOLAR Network, David is also a scholar of theopoetics, which sits at the intersection of theology and literature. What is more, David is a thoughtful commentator on the variety of ways we imagine faith in the modern world, making him a great conversation partner for this episode of the Faith and Imagination podcast.
Hosted by Matthew Wickman, Founding Director, BYU Humanities Center.
Produced and Edited by Brooke Browne and Sam Jacob.
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