Latest Episodes

“Why I Am a Churchgoer,” with Mischa Willett, Seattle Pacific University
This is the first episode we have released in three months. We were having technological difficulties with the system that distributes the podcasts, and...

Reimagining Job, with Diane Glancy, American poet and author
Diane Glancy is a prolific and acclaimed poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, and professor emeritus at Macalester College. Her awards include the Pablo Neruda Prize...

Season 3 wrap-up: conversation with Faith and Imagination podcast producer Sophia Snyder
We’ve come to the end of Season 3 of the podcast. I talk with Sophia Snyder, the podcast’s producer, and we share a few...

Mysticism: An Awareness of the Presence of God, with Chad Thralls, Seton Hall University
Chad Thralls is a scholar of Christian spirituality and mysticism who teaches at Seton Hall University. His primary area of focus is the contemplative...

Journeys of the Spirit: On Pilgrimage, with Zachary Davis, Faith Matters Foundation and Wayfare Magazine
Zachary Davis is the Executive Director of the Faith Matters Foundation, the host of the Ministry of Ideas, Writ Large, and Making Meaning podcasts,...

Contemplative – Transformative – Reading, with Stephanie Paulsell, Harvard Divinity School
Stephanie Paulsell is Susan Shallcross Swarz Professor of the Practice of Christian Studies at Harvard Divinity School and Faculty Dean of Eliot House at...